Parking Area
Advance booking period extended to 1 year with effect from 01-Apr-2021
For Subhokhon Ground Floor: For any type of occasion raw frozen meat as well as processed items must be procured from WBLDCL(Central store)
For Lawn Booking: Catering/refreshment/lunch/dinner/breakfast is mandatory from KAVIAR, Central Store, Belgachia(a unit of WBLDCL)
Visitors/ Guest/ Boarders are not allowed after 10.30 PM
1. Booking will be allowed only if it is available.
2. The booking of guest house may be made as a whole or partially as per requirement.
3. The booking will stand confirmed only after making payment through online of total value of the booking.
4. During booking as well as during entry any documentary proof of identity has to be attached like EPIC / PAN / passport / Aadhar Card / Driving License etc.
5. During cancellation of booking partially or completely 25% of the booking value will be deducted and rest amount will be released. However, the party has to submit cancellation prayer for the request with valid ID proof and upload cancelled cheque.
6. Any request for cancellation must be served online at least 15 days before the actual day of booking. No cancellation will be entertained within 15 days from the actual booked date.
7. If no information is served regarding cancellation up to the actual date of booking, it will be treated as cancelled and whatever amount is deposited for booking will be forfeited.
8. The corporation will deduct the value of the item from the Boarder if found responsible for destruction of any goods or material of the Guest House.
9. If any Boarder is found unruly or found breaking the tranquility of the Guest House and causing disturbance to other Boarders, the booking of the boarder or the group may be cancelled. If any untoward situation arises, complain may be lodged with civil administration.
10. The person/ organization found guilty, will be blacklisted for a period of 5 (Five) years from that day.
11. Under any situation firing of any type of crackers are not allowed. If found any such untoward situation legal action may be initiated.
12. Playing of DJ or any other sound system in campus should be in parity with rules stipulated by Govt. of West Bengal, if allowed, under no situation it should be beyond 60 Decibel. In case the Police / Civil administration may take any step where our Corporation shall not be held responsible.
13. In case of exigency like "ACT OF GOD" the booking may be cancelled and the full refund will be made to the respective Bank account at an early date.
14. Chekin & checkout time will be as per the booking receipt.
15. Alcohol consumption is strictly prohibited in the Guest House.
16. Boarders are not allowed to enter the Guest House after 10:30 pm. New boarders are not allowed before 6:00 am at the premises.
17. No booking can be made beyond 365 days in advance.
18. Boarders must restrict themselves to the premise of SUBHOKHON only.
19. During booking of Guest House, it must be noted that Car Parking will be restricted to 10 nos. of small vehicles. Big Vehicles like Bus / Minibus etc. will be allowed if and only space is available with prior approval from the competent authority.
20. For Subhokhon Ground Floor bookng: It is mandatory for the Guest or authorized representative to contact office with valid receipt at least 60 days prior to the actual date of checkin to collect the Gate Pass.
21. For Subhokhon Ground Floor: For any type of occasion raw frozen meat as well as processed items must be procured from WBLDCL(Central store)
22. For Lawn Booking: Catering/refreshment/lunch/dinner/breakfast is mandatory from KAVIAR, Central Store, Belgachia(a unit of WBLDCL)
1. During booking, the customers shall have to bear the scheduled transaction charges for booking through "Bill Desk".
2. During cancellation of booking partially or completely 25% of the booking value with GST extra, will be deducted and rest amount will be released. However, the party has to submit cancellation prayer for the request with valid ID Proof and upload canceled cheque.
3. Any request for cancellation must be served online on or before 15 days prior to the scheduled booking date. No application beyond the above dates will be accepted for cancellation.
4. If no information is served regarding cancellation as above, and the customer does not avail the booking, in that case, it will be treated as canceled and whatever amount is deposited for booking will be forfeited.
5. In case of any failed transaction by customer booking, the refunding is not chargeable and will be done preferably within next 3 working days or as per bank norms.
A. Credit card transactions fees : 1.10% of transaction value.
B. Wallets & Cash cards transaction fees : 1.10% of transaction value.
C. Net Banking transaction fees : Rs 12/- per transaction.
D. Debit card transaction fees (VISA/ MASTER CARD) : 0.90% of transaction value. GST / other taxes if any applicable , will be charged extra.
Sl. No. | Category of Subhokhan Booking | Booking Value | Refund Value against cancelation | Remarks | ||||
Base Price | GST | Total | Base Price | GST | Total | |||
1. | Dormitory Bed | 250.00 | - | 250.00 | 187.50 | - | 187.50 | New refund policy will be effected from 30.06.2022 |
2. | VIP Suit Room | 1,500.00 | 180.00 | 1,680.00 | 1,125.00 | 135.00 | 1,260.00 | |
3. | Garden Lawn | 8,000.00 | 1,440.00 | 9,440.00 | 6,000.00 | 1,080.00 | 7,080.00 | |
4. | Dining and Conference Room | 10,000.00 | 1,800.00 | 11,800.00 | 7,500.00 | 1,350.00 | 8,850.00 | |
5. | Subhokhon Ground Floor | 20,000.00 | 3,600.00 | 23,600.00 | 15,000.00 | 2,700.00 | 17,700.00 |
2025 © West Bengal Livestock Development Corporation Limted